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Twitter post that has a video on the voting data in Texas and how close we are to flipping the state. We just need democrats to turn up to vote.

Breakdown on Harris and Trump's tax plans and how they will affect a working class family

Trump's Arlington National Cemetery political ad stunt is now pitting Gold Star families against each other. This video explains why those who invited Trump betrayed other families.

Simple and clear explain on terms such as ad hominem attack.

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I'm not sure where everyone watched things but I streamed the C-SPAN livestream of the convention. I saw every moment of the public events.

The DNC also has their videos:

Night one: "For the People"


Kamala Harris' "Thank You, Joe":

Steve Kerr:

Rep. AOC:

Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton:

President Joe Biden's full speech:

Other video clips:

Night Two: "A Bold Vision for America's Future"


Just the Roll Call jam:

Links on the music playlist:

Michele Obama:

Former President Barack Obama:

Other video clips:

Night Three: "A Fight for Our Freedoms"


Amanda Gorman:

Former President Bill Clinton:


Secretary Pete:

Gov Tim Walz's full speech:

Other video clips:

Night Four: "For Our Future"


Adam Kinzinger:

Gabby Giffords:

Vice President's Kamala Harris' full speech:

Other video clips:

Post convention articles of worth:

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