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It is time to make your plan to vote!

Voting FAQ

If you are not going to be in Calhoun County the entire period of early voting and election day or you are in the hospital, jail, or over the age of 65 then you should APPLY NOW for an application to vote absentee. If you have questions please call the Calhoun County Elections office at (361) 553-4440. You can also check out our Vote By Mail section.


But with the deadline to apply coming up fast (October 28) I would suggest that you also contact the elections office so they know you are applying and know to look for it. Our elections office is very pro-voter and will do everything they can to help you vote.

You can also track the status of your mail-ballot application and your ballot at: If you have any voting questions, you can always call our Voter Assistance Hotline at 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837). 

If you are going to be in Calhoun County during the voting period then you need to choose a date and time to go vote. Calhoun County usually does not have any large lines to vote when you vote early. On average it takes 10 minutes or less and that includes parking and walking up to the Courthouse.

This is why over half of the voting population of Calhoun County prefers to vote Early.

Early vote:
Calhoun County Courthouse
211 S. Ann
Port Lavaca, Tx 77979
  • Monday October 24th 8am to 5pm - First Day to Vote Early

  • Tuesday October 25th 7am to 7pm

  • Wednesday October 26th 8am to 5pm

  • Thursday October 27th 7am to 7pm

  • Friday October 28th 8am to 5pm

  • Saturday October 29th 9am to 1pm - Only Weekend day to vote early

  • Monday October 31st 8am to 5pm 

  • Tuesday November 1st 7am to 7pm

  • Wednesday November 2nd 8am to 5pm

  • Thursday November 3rd 7am to 7pm

  • Friday November 4th 8am to 5pm - Last Day to Vote Early

For Election Day voting precincts we have you covered as well. 

Any questions check out our Voting FAQ page.

This is how we are going to save our democracy;

donate, volunteer, and drag 5 people with you when you go vote.

Don't know which of your people have already voted? Check out the 2 Million Texans project: 

Texas Blue Action and the 2 Million Texans project are working with campaigns across the Lone Star State to put the power to win elections in your hands, by letting you see which friends and family haven’t voted so YOU can turn them out. Download the app today by texting “Reach” to 333-39, join the 2 Million Texans campaign, and flip Texas blue!

How it works:
The concept of 2MT is simple: Download an app, find voters you know, let the app tell you which ones haven’t voted, and then invite others to do the same thing. That’s it. But, when large numbers of people all do this basic thing, the impact on elections is tremendous. (For the average volunteers, 1 in 6 people in their phone did not vote in the last midterm, which adds up to millions of votes across Texas.)

Wave election Ad landscape.png

For more information on the State Candidates and their platform here is a google document that Texas Democratic Party has put together.

For our local candidates you can check out our General Election page.

The Victoria Advocate political questionnaire for Justice of the Peace: Precinct 1.

Sample Ballots can be found at the Calhoun County Elections website.

Calhoun County Precincts.png



211 S. Ann
Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Biblioteca del Condado Calhoun

200 W. Mahan

Port Lavaca, TX 77979



Edificio de exposiciones de Bauer

186 Henry Barber Way

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Departamento de bomberos Magnoilia Beach

873 Margie Tewmey Rd.

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Anexo del Condado Calhoun

201 W. Austin St.

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Bomberos de Seis Millas

34 Royal Rd

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Ayuntamiento de Port Lavaca

202 N. Virginia St.

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Centro comunitario Bauer

2300 N. Hwy 35

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Estacion de bomberos Olivia

61 Co. Rd. 318

Olivia, TX 77978


Servicio Medicos de Emercencia

705 Henry Barber Way

Port Lavaca, TX 77979


Ayuntamiento de Seadrift

501 S. Main St.

Seadrift, TX 77983


Biblioteca de Port O'Connor

506 W. Main

Port O’Connor, TX 77982

Deadlines to be aware of:

  • Friday October 28th is the last day to request a ballot by mail application

    • Due to issues with possible mail delays your best bet is to call the Calhoun County Elections office at: (361) 553-4440 and following their instructions for more inform check out Vote by Mail section.

  • Deadline for mail ballot return:

    • Must be received by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8 if dropping off in person;

    • must be postmarked by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8 and received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9 if returning by mail​

Have any issues voting?:
  • Report a possible voting rights abuse to the Secretary of State +1 (800) 252-8683 or to your local election official.

  • Cast a provisional ballot if your name does not appear on the list of registered voters.

    • (1) Cast a provisional ballot

      • (a) if you do not possess one of the seven (7) acceptable forms of photo identification, which is not expired for more than four years, and you can reasonably obtain one of these forms of identification 

      • (b) if you possess, but did not bring to the polling place, one of the seven forms of acceptable photo identification, which is not expired for more than four years

      • (c) if you do not possess one of the seven forms of acceptable photo identification, which is not expired for more than four years, you could otherwise not obtain one due to a reasonable impediment, but you did not bring a supporting form of identification to the polling place

    • (2) the right to present one of the acceptable forms of photo identification, which is not expired for more than four years, to the county voter registrar’s office within six (6) calendar days after election day.

  • Vote once at any early voting location during the early voting period within the territory conducting the election.

  • File an administrative complaint with the Secretary of State concerning violations of federal and state voting procedures.

Can I get time off from work to vote?


According to the Texas Workforce Commission:

Although there is no specified time limit, employees have at least two hours off to vote on an election day (unless they have already voted under early voting procedures). Such time off needs to be paid to the extent that it cuts into the employee’s normal working hours. Such time off does not need to be paid if the two hours are available outside of normal working hours. If the time is taken off from mandatory overtime, the time off should be paid at the rate that would have applied to the time so missed. If the time is taken off from optional overtime voluntarily requested by the employee, the time off does not need to be paid, since the time off would be outside of normal working hours and is time that the employee voluntarily chose to spend working rather than voting.


Read more here: Texas Workforce Commission

Do I need to show my ID to vote?


To vote in person, you must present a form of government issues identification. According to the Secretary of State, A voter who has not been issued a driver’s license or social security number may register to vote, but such voter must submit proof of identification when presenting himself/herself for voting or with his/her mail-in ballots, if voting by mail. These voters’ names are flagged on the official voter registration list with the annotation of “ID.” The “ID” notation instructs the poll worker to request a proper form of identification from these voters when they present themselves for voting, unless they are a voter with a permanent exemption on the voter registration certificate.


The voter must present one of the seven (7) acceptable forms of identification:

  1. Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS);

  2. Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS;

  3. Texas personal identification card issued by DPS

  4. Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS

  5. United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph

  6. United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph

  7. United States passport

For details and more information on what forms of ID are acceptable, please click here.​

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