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Early Voting & Where We Stand

If you are curious about Early Voting turnout not just for our county but also statewide or nationwide please check out the following.


Total Early Votes: 15,568,801 (15.5m)

In-Person Early Votes: 5,207,152 (5.2m)

Mail Ballots Returned: 10,361,649 (10.3m)

Mail Ballots Requested: 55,808,607 (55.8m)

By Party:

Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV

Democrat: 3,853,517 (3.8m) - 47.1%

Republican: 2,588,148 (2.5m) - 31.7%

None/Minor: 1,733,167 (1.7m) - 21.2%

TOTAL: 8,174,832 (8.1) - 100.0%

Total Voted by Age:

Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA

18-25: 132,075 - 3.4%

26-40: 295,041 - 7.7%

41-65: 1,430,692 (1.4m) - 37.4%

Over 65: 1,970,584 (1.9m) - 51.5%

TOTAL: 3,828,392 (3.8m) - 100.0%

Total Voted by Gender:

Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC

Female: 1,734,067 (1.7m) - 54.4%

Male: 1,419,307 (1.4m) - 44.5%

Unknown: 34,954 - 1.1%

TOTAL: 3,188,328 (3.1m) - 100.0%

Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity

Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC

Non-Hisp White: 1,435,881 (1.4m) - 64.4%

Non-Hisp Black: 574,398 - 25.8%

Hispanic: 28,832 - 1.3%

Non-Hisp Asian American: 27,266 - 1.2%

Non-Hisp Native American: 5,934 - 0.3%

Other/Multiple/Unknown: 158,323 - 7.1%

TOTAL: 2,230,634 (2.2m) - 100.0%

In-Person Early by Party Registration

Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT

Democrat: 438,772 - 35.9%

Republican: 430,515 - 35.3%

None/Minor: 351,339 - 28.8%

TOTAL: 1,220,626 (1.2m) - 100.0%

Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration

Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV

Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate

Democrat: 3,349,683 (3.3m) 49.2% 18,088,787 18.5%

Republican: 2,095,782 (2.09) 30.8% 11,306,844 18.5%

None/Minor: 1,361,734 (1.3m) 20.0% 12,745,438 10.7%

TOTAL: 6,807,199 (6.8m) 100.0% 42,141,069 (42.1m) 16.2%

Returned Mail Ballots by Age

Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA

Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate

18-25: 67,402 3.5% 264,127 25.5%

26-40: 138,143 7.2% 440,107 31.4%

41-65: 576,800 30.0% 1,303,791 (1.3m) 44.2%

Over 65: 1,139,799 (1.1m) 59.3% 1,932,012 (1.9m) 59.0%

TOTAL: 1,922,144 (1.9m) 100.0% 3,940,037 (3.9m) 48.8%

Returned Mail Ballots by Gender

Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC

Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate

Female: 638,112 56.4% 1,410,250 (1.4m) 45.2%

Male: 488,696 43.2% 1,025,783 (1.0m) 47.6%

TOTAL: 1,131,765 (1.1m) 100.0% 2,456,457 (2.4m) 24.3%

TOTAL: 1,131,765 (1.1m) 100.0% 2,456,457 (2.4m) 46.1%

Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity

Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC

Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate

Non-Hisp White: 142,250 63.5% 347,407 40.9%

Non-Hisp Black: 57,296 25.6% 129,573 44.2%

Hispanic: 3,116 1.4% 10,856 28.7%

Non-Hisp Asian American: 4,591 2.1% 15,542 29.5%

Non-Hisp Native American: 546 0.2% 1,690 32.3%

Other/Multiple/Unknown: 16,117 7.2% 48,907 33.0%

TOTAL: 223,916 100.0% 553,975 40.4%

Calhoun County & Texas:

  1. Go to:

  2. Select the election you want: 2022 November 8th General Election

  3. Choose the far left drop down: Unofficial Early Voting Turnout by Date

Day 1: Monday October 24:


Registered Voters: 12,874

# In Person on 10/24/22: 373

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 373

Cumulative % In-Person: 2.9%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 139

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 512

Cumulative % Early Voting: 3.98%


Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)

# In Person on 10/24/22: 476,011

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 476,011

Cumulative % In-Person: 2.69%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 164,922

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 641,096

Cumulative % Early Voting: 3.63%

Day 2: Tuesday October 25:


Registered Voters: 12,874

# In Person on 10/25/22: 358

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 731

Cumulative % In-Person: 5.68%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 144

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 875

Cumulative % Early Voting: 6.8%


Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)

# In Person on 10/25/22: 479,531

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 955,704

Cumulative % In-Person: 5.41%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 176,357

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,132,061 (1.1m)

Cumulative % Early Voting: 6.41%

Day 3: Wednesday October 26:


Registered Voters: 12,874

# In Person on 10/26/22: 270

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,101

Cumulative % In-Person: 7.78%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 153

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,154

Cumulative % Early Voting: 8.96%


Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)

# In Person on 10/26/22: 446,258

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,401,961 (1.4m)

Cumulative % In-Person: 7.93%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 194,045

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,596,006 (1.59m)

Cumulative % Early Voting: 9.03%

Day 3: Thursday October 27:


Registered Voters: 12,874

# In Person on 10/27/22: 288

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,289

Cumulative % In-Person: 10.1%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 170

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,459

Cumulative % Early Voting: 11.33%


Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)

# In Person on 10/27/22: 373,824

Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,790,128 (1.79m)

Cumulative % In-Person: 10.13%

Cumulative By Mail Voters: 215,307

Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 2,005,435 (2.0m)

Cumulative % Early Voting: 11.35%


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2024 turnout thus far. 2020 had 3 weeks of early voting, so it’s better to compare to 2022, 2018, or 2016.   https://earlyvoting.texas-el...

Early Voting Data thus far as of Oct 31

2024 turnout thus far. 2020 had 3 weeks of early voting, so it’s better to compare to 2022, 2018, or 2016.   https://earlyvoting.texas-el...

1 Comment

Oct 28, 2022

Democrats are doing well

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