The following are fb posts from March 2017
Wednesday March 1, 2017
A look at how claims made by President Trump in his speech to Congress stack up with the facts.
Thursday March 2, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Did Attorney General Jeff Sessions misspeak, lie — or commit perjury?
Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria - WSJ
Friday March 3, 2017
Sunday March 5, 2017
Monday March 6, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Ben Carson just referred to slaves as 'immigrants'
Tuesday March 7, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Trump hits Obama again, this time falsely with claims about Gitmo detainees
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Fact check: Examining Trump’s wiretap claim
The GOP's Obamacare replacement bill: Dead on arrival?
Wednesday March 8, 2017
Legislative Process 101 - House of Representatives Committee Action — Indivisible Guide
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Sens. Graham and Whitehouse demand proof of Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped him
Thursday March 9, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
House panel OKs health bill, industry groups say ‘no’
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Q&A: The facts on the Republican health care bill
Trump’s First 100 Days: POTUS launches ‘full-court press’ on health plan - The Washington Post
Hawaii issues first challenge to Trump's new travel ban - Reuters
Friday March 10, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Sessions seeks resignations of 46 U.S. attorneys
Saturday March 11, 2017
Federal judges find Texas gerrymandered maps on racial lines
Tuesday March 14, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Obamacare repeal will increase the number of uninsured by 24 million by 2026, CBO says
Wednesday March 15, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Federal judge blocks Trump's second travel ban nationwide
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Why does Russia outsource its hacking?
Thursday March 16, 2017
Don't forget about our meeting on Thursday March 23rd. Dr. James Gleason will be our speaker, he will talk about the powers of the president and the problems President Trump is facing with Congress.
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Senate Intelligence Committee finds ‘no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance’
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Michael Flynn received more than $33,000 from Russian TV
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
The 62 agencies and programs Trump wants to eliminate
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Trump budget cuts immigration aid and local police are stunned
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
U.S. Coast Guard objects to Trump's funding cut
Friday March 17, 2017
Trump's relationship with the truth is becoming a national embarrassment - CNN
Trump Offers No Apology for Claim on British Spying - The New York Times
Justice appeals ruling over Trump travel ban - USA TODAY
Monday March 20, 2017
White House installs political aides at Cabinet agencies to be Trump’s eyes and ears - The Washington Post
Trump's wiretapping accusation comes to a head at Comey hearing - CNN
FBI director to testify on Russian interference in the presidential election - The Washington Post
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
What role did Russia play in the election? The FBI is on it
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Analysis: FBI bombshell creates 'a big gray cloud' over Trump's White House
Tuesday March 21, 2017
To find out how your lawmaker is voting check out these two sites. will let you sign up to be notified each time one of your lawmaker’s votes. It is easy to sign up, you just need to put in your email address and zip code. will let you search by name or by zip code and you can click on the folder for “votes” to see everything voted on by that member.
Wednesday March 22, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Paul Manafort’s plan to ‘greatly benefit Putin government’
Thursday March 23, 2017
GOP health care bill in limbo after White House meeting
Don't forget about our meeting tonight!
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Ryan postpones House vote on Obamacare repeal as talks continue
We had a great meeting tonight, thanks to everyone who came out!
Friday March 24, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Decision day: House marches forward with Obamacare repeal vote
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Fact check: Still no evidence, Mr. President
Partisan split at House intel committee over canceled open hearing
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Democrats introduce the 'MAR-A-LAGO Act'
Tuesday March 28, 2017
Thursday March 30, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
China’s Xi to hold first meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in April
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Trump's travel ban could cost $18B in U.S. tourism, analysis shows
Friday March 31, 2017
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Flynn lawyer: Client wants assurances against 'witch-hunt' prosecution
Check out this article from USA TODAY:
Cracking down on trade: New Trump orders will target trade deficit
-- end of March 2017 posts