This weekend will be Juneteenth.
The Calhoun County Democratic Club will be there as well.
Friday night some of us will be at the park for a bit of time wearing t-shirts with "Register to vote, Ask me how" written on the front. They won't all be blue with white lettering. We are all deputized as VDRs.
On Saturday, we will be there all day working in various shifts at our table. On the table we will have the following:
Calhoun County Democratic Party/Club Newsletter Sign-Up form for the event
Calhoun County Democratic Club membership form
2022 Democratic Slate on Calhoun County Ballot For November 8, 2022 Election (it's a cheat sheet with EVERY Democratic candidate on our ballot in a handy single double-sided page. Plus pictures and their websites, emails, and social media.) You're welcome.
Polling Locations (not just the election day polling locations but I also included early voting at the Courthouse plus their usual day/time to early vote)
Beto handouts (English and Spanish)
Jay Kleberg (only English)
I think that covers everything. Oh, I also got some hand Progress Flags for Pride Month for the table.
On Sunday morning some of us will be there for a bit of time wearing the t-shirts to register people to vote.
The following is details provided by the 2022 Juneteenth Port Lavaca Celebration who are running the event this year. The Club will have a table there as well and will be registering voters.
2022 Juneteenth Celebration at George Adam Park
Friday Night - June 17
White party Meet and Greet
Saturday - June 18
9am A Walk with our Ancestors
Guest speaker Joe Vickers with solo by Pat Brown
Walk to Port Lavaca Cemetery
Walk to Alice O Wilkins School
10:00 Basketball - Meet me at the Court - 3 on 3 and Free Throw Contest
10am start a field day with the kids
11am Lunch - Hot dogs and hamburgers Free
1pm history program
Guest speakers:
Port Lavaca Mayor Jack Whitlow
City Manager Jody Weaver
Michael Clay
Joe Vickers
Vincent Phillips
2pm Adult games - Domino's/Bingo/Water games/ Cake walk
6pm Live Music:
J. Hollins
Joshua Louis
The Southern Band featuring Joe Leonard
Sunday - June 19
11am Church Service - Pastor Danny Richards Sr
1pm Fish Fry Free