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Reminder: DeJoy may get fired today!

And oh holy shit Mar-A-Largo got raided by the FBI over the NARA docs!

Tuesday is a BIG day here is what is going down!

* Dems are now leading in the 538 polls:

* Here is some news that broke today in regards to Eastman filings and it's a doozy:

* Board of Governors is meeting for the first time since Biden appointed Dems to replace the Trumpies. This means it is the very first opportunity to fire DeJoy.

God willing it happens.

This is a copy paste from our previous blog post that has the information on how to watch this all go down at 4pm Eastern:

Now for the DeJoy news:

The Board of Governors is to meet for the first time since Biden's new appointments on Tuesday August 9, 2022.

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors will meet Aug. 9, 2022, in open session at Postal Service headquarters, 475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC. The public is welcome to observe the meeting beginning at 4:00 p.m. ET in the Benjamin Franklin Room on the 11th floor. The Board is expected to discuss the following items:

  1. Remarks of the Chairman of the Board of Governors

  2. Remarks of the Postmaster General and CEO

  3. Approval of the Minutes

  4. Committee Reports

  5. Quarterly Financial Report

  6. Quarterly Service Performance Report

  7. Approval of Tentative Agenda for Nov. 10 Meeting

  8. Adjournment

A public comment period will begin immediately following the adjournment of the open session on Aug. 9. During the public comment period, which shall not exceed 45 minutes, members of the public may comment on any item or subject listed on the agenda for the open session above. Additionally, the public will be given the option to join the public comment session and participate via teleconference. Registration for participation in the public comment period is required. Should you wish to participate via teleconference, you will be required to give your first and last name, a valid email address to send an invite and a phone number to reach you should a technical issue arise. Speakers may register online at No more than three minutes shall be allotted to each speaker. The time allotted to each speaker will be determined after registration closes. Registration for the public comment period, either in person or via teleconference, will end on Aug. 7 at 4 p.m. EDT. Participation in the public comment period is governed by 39 C.F.R. 232.1(n).

Open session meetings of the Board of Governors are available on live audio webcasts at Three hours after the conclusion of the open session meeting, a recorded audio file will be available for listening. In compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, the audio webcast will be open-captioned.

The Postal Service generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.


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* The House should start putting the ball into motion on the Inflation Reduction Act and have it passed by this Friday which means this weekend it could be signed into law. It is landmark legislation on part with ACA, CRA, VRA, etc. It could save the world.

I personally expect our NATO nations to get more climate change bills passed in order to shame us in how low we aimed for. So it could finally trigger a cascade of new laws to address climate change across the world. Also, considering the heat waves, droughts, floods, etc they can no longer deny that something needs to be done.

* Inflation Reduction Act also means going after billionaire tax cheats!

* Peter Baker has a new book out and OMG they quotes they have are bombshells. General Milley really was a bit of a hero...even if he should have found a way to leak what was really going back on then.

It was the BIG news before the raid news broke from Trump complaining about what happened.

* Alex Jones cell phone files are showing who is worried about Congress and the FBI getting access to it:

* Roger Stone's subpoena for Georgia grand jury was not given a delay and he HAS to appear. Or else.

Speaking of Roger Stone...I'm not sure how to say this but Bankston, the lawyer for the Sandy Hook families in Texas, who won a big settlement against Alex Jones had another bombshell to drop today.

He said that among the files on the cell phone data drop was nude photos of Alex Jones current wife...that was sent to Roger Stone from Alex Jones. It is not known if Alex Jones did this with permission from his wife or not. If not, that's another crime.

If so...well I guess this means that Alex Jones is a swinging partner of Roger Stone. Which is a bit icky but we know that Roger Stone does have that habit...

* Now for the good news we are all hearing across the social media and news channels. The raid on Mar-A-Largo!

This is about the NARA documents that a judge ordered Trump to return and did not. NARA and FBI sat back and waited. Probably by going through the docs they already retrieved. Mainly by scotch taping things back into working order.

It has been learned that not only was Trump warned to not take this documents but he knowingly violated that warning which has federal consequences.

When NARA was reporting on the documents they found not only classified information but some so secret that even a description of what the documents entailed was too classified to be given out.

Early Monday morning Maggie Haberman (ugh) has a new book coming out as does Peter Baker about stuff that was going down in Trump Admin that they should've printed when it happened rather than sitting on it for a few years to sell books.

Anyways, to promote the book she posted pictures of a toilet with torn papers that are supposedly absolute evidence that the rumors we heard of Trump tearing up and flushing documents was true. You can even read Elise Stefanik's name in it.

Hours later the feds raided Trump's residence in Mar-A-Lago while it was shut down for the summer and Trump is in New York for a deposition. Two of the kids already did theirs.

Here is what happened in the raid:

Here is what Trump said in the announcement of the raid.

I'm curious about the safe part for several reasons:

a. He has a safe there? How big? What kind? What did it hold?

b. Holy shit the search warrant included the safe? Who ratted that information out?

c. What else was searched that Trump didn't mention? What did the feds find? How fucked is Trump?

There are rumors it wasn't just the FBI doing the search either. A special team that deals with certain types of national security classified documents was there.

Kaitlan Collins reported this today:

News — In early June, investigators made a rare visit to Mar-a-Lago seeking more info about material taken from the White House. The 4 officials, including Jay Bratt, chief of Counterintelligence & Export Control at DOJ, met w/ two of Trump's attorneys. Trump stopped by briefly.

Investigators asked to see where docs were stored. Trump's attorneys took them to a basement room and they looked around before leaving. Days later, Trump's attorneys got a letter asking them to further secure the room. Aides subsequently added a padlock, I am told.

And a person commented here:

The Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) supervises the investigation and prosecution of cases affecting national security, foreign relations, and the export of military and strategic commodities and technology.

The Section has executive responsibility for authorizing the prosecution of cases under criminal statutes relating to espionage, sabotage, neutrality, and atomic energy.

It provides legal advice to U.S. Attorney's Offices and investigative agencies on all matters within its area of responsibility, which includes 88 federal statutes affecting national security.

It also coordinates criminal cases involving the application of the Classified Information Procedures Act. In addition, the Section administers and enforces the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 and related disclosure statutes.

AngryStaffer said this:

The counterintelligence and export control section (CES) has several areas of responsibility including, but not limited to:

- espionage

- sabotage

- atomic energy

- FARA (foreign agents)

- criminal cases related to the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA)

Cassidy replied:

Violations of Directorate of Defense Trade Controls: AECA / ITAR are not slap on the wrist… if documents are related to export control this could be a way bigger deal than just stolen classified documents

This is kind of implying that Trump was running an import/export thing on the documents and that there was something very classified very important to national security involved.

This raid also happened a mere week after Trump hosted the Saudi Arabia LIV Golf Tournament at Bedminster (and now the burial place of Ivana Trump) does this mean that he was selling national secrets to the Saudis? Is that why this raid happened now?

And the Republicans are losing their mind and threatening the Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI.

Paul Gosar:

The FBI raid on Trump's home tells us one thing.

Failure is not an option.

We must destroy the FBI.

We must save America.

I stand with Donald J. Trump.

Personally, I think those freaking out are probably worried about what the feds found out about them through this raid. Maybe Trump does have blackmail material on them and he held it in his safe?

BTW, Monday August 8, 2022 is the anniversary of the night that Nixon resigned Saturday August 8, 1974!

A month before Nixon resigned he visited Mar-A-Lago.

Oh and because Nixon planned on taking and destroying his documents Congress created the Presidential Records Act which in turn may be the thing that sends Trump to prison ala Al Capone and taxes.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C.§§ 22012209, is an Act of the United States Congress governing the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created or received after January 20, 1981, and mandating the preservation of all presidential records. Enacted November 4, 1978,[1] the PRA changed the legal ownership of the President's official records from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents must manage their records. The PRA was amended in 2014, to include the prohibition of sending electronic records through non-official accounts unless an official account is copied on the transmission, or a copy is forwarded to an official account shortly after creation.[2]

This has been a long time coming.

History don't repeat but my god does it rhyme.

Schadenfreude is strong today and this week!

But also keep in mind a trapped animal is at its most dangerous:

And it seems we need to be aware of an outbreak of violence and terrorist attacks is possible. And they are angry and planning to do something even more than on January 6, 2021.

Not joking here are some tweets and threads show the violent rhetoric in Trumpworld:

Fox's narrative is set: Government is "corrupt." Raid is "insane" and "reckless." FBI is using "police state tactics" to block Trump from power. Dems get away with crimes, use power to hurt GOP. This is "third world bullshit." But Trump base is loyal. (All quotes from 7pm hour.)

* Now more memes oh but first, it's reached the White House!



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