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Run for Office!!

Saturday November 11, 2023 to Monday December 11, 2023 at 6pm

Democracy matters.

On Tuesday November 7, 2023 across the nation we saw Democrats win. They ran on women's autonomy in medical issues (abortion), they ran on legalizing marijuana, they ran on saving public schools, and against book banning.

For the brief list:

  • Virginia Democrats not only kept the state Senate but retook the House of Delegates. Thus killing Youngkin's grand plan of pushing for a 15 week abortion ban.

  • Virginia also elected their first trans state Senator.

  • Ohio Prop 1 (abortion) and Prop 2 (marijuana) passed overwhelmingly.

  • Philadelphia elected their first woman mayor, a black woman.

  • Kentucky not only re-elected Andy Beshear as governor but did at a 6 point margin which is 5 points higher than his 2019 win. Beshear fought his campaign on abortion rights and Bidenomics.

  • Presley lost to corrupt Tate Reeves by 5 points but there was major issues with black voting precincts and if Presley wasn't a conservative Dem then it could have been a closer loss or maybe a win.

  • Moms for Liberty, the terrorist group, lost overwhelmingly in their races.

So what does this have to do with Calhoun County in Texas? Texas, which has such ignorant and apathetic voters that they voted 'For' on every damn proposition on the Constitution Amendments uniform election and thus completely screwed themselves over in ways they haven't quite understood yet?


These wins were only possible because people like you decided to get involved and help save our democracy.

And Texas IS a battleground state!

Republicans like to say that America is a Republic and not a Democracy but that only shows their ignorance and malevolence because they are deliberately twisting words in order to be anti-democracy and pro-authoritarian. America has been and is a democracy because a constitutional federal republic, a representational republic, a representative democracy, etc are all a form of democracy.

The number one thing we have to understand is that the Republican party wants to turn America into a Christian version of Iran, a Supreme Leader (Trump), Mullahs (Christian Far Right Leaders such as Speaker Mike Johnson, Leonard Leo, SCOTUS Alito & Thomas, and so forth), and project 2025 is their path to that dream of bring Gilead from The Handmaid's Tale to reality.

What can we do to save American Democracy?

Get involved. Do what Democrats across the nation have done and decide to run for office. Whether it be for a Democrat Precinct Chair, School Board, City Council, Mayor, County Commissioner, Constable, State Representative, or even higher office. It ALL matters.

We desperately need people to run for local office.

You think being a precinct chair doesn't matter but it really does. You help on local voter reachout. You know your neighborhood. You can talk to those around you. You help as being part of the party board. (you also only need to fill out a form, no fee involved)

Local offices have the most impact on your life. If you are upset about something, get organized and get involved.

If you are interested then we have best guide on how to run for office and what you need.

We don't have an office so if you want to turn in your forms and checks you can mail them:

Calhoun County Democratic Party

P.O. Box 1012

Port Lavaca, TX 77979

Or call (361) 238-0335 and schedule a pick-up.



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