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Things happening this week

This is a very busy week.

1) J6 Hearing on Wednesday September 28 is postponed due to Hurricane Ian. Hurricane Ian is absolutely devastating and Florida, Puerto Rico, Georgia, South Carolina, etc are going to need a lot of help.

2) Trump team has to tell special master what DOJ planted if anything at all and some other deadlines.

3) Beto vs Abbott debate on Friday September 30 night. Our local news stations seem to be showing it 7pm to 8pm (just 1 debate and only 1 hour? What a coward Abbott is). There all sorts of places doing live watches of it. You can find them on Mobilize.

4) Parade float decorating (Thursday to Friday). Seriously, are you guys going to make Joe and me do everything ourselves?

5) Picking up the 4x4 State (has all the state candidates on it) and 4x4 Judicial Candidates (all the Judges) signs.

6) October 1st Parade. Lineup for vehicles/floats in parade 7am to 9am and the parade starts at 10am.

7) October monthly meeting on Tuesday will feature a speaker, Port Lavaca City Manager, Jody Weaver to talk about projects happening in Port Lavaca. Like how Starbucks is coming!

8) October 11th is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE!

9) Early voting starts October 24th!



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